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Showing posts from October, 2022

Top 7 Interesting Biology Facts We Bet You Did Not Know

  Biology is an interesting subject where you get to learn various interesting  facts. Adding interesting facts to your biology homework answers  will improve your chances of scoring better. Readers will find it intriguing  In this article, we are going to list down some of the most inspiring biology facts recommended by biology science homework helpers  that can uplift your biology assignment answers : 1. A swimming pool of saliva As gross as may it sound, do you know the total amount of saliva that human beings tend to produce in their lifetime is enough for filling two swimming pools? 2. Every morning we get taller Science has proved that every time we wake up, our body releases excess fluids that release in our spinal discs, thus making us almost half an inch taller. But with the day progressing, we deal with so much stress that the disc compresses and fluids seep that will make you lose your height again. 3. Your brain is 18 years old even after ageing Afte...